
Hearing test for children, adults!

There are several hearing tests to determine hearing impairment. These tests depend on the age of the individual and other factors, and the right one will be determined by a professional audiologist.  The different hearing tests are: Pure-tone testing Speech testing Tests of the middle…

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Hearing loss and its effect on normal life.

Hearing loss has no age limit. Deafness or hearing impairment may result because of genetics, complications at birth, certain contagious diseases, chronic ear infections, usage of drugs, exposure to excessive noise, or aging. Hearing impairment can create a massive impact on a person's life, both…

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Ear Problems, ear infections

Ear infection originates when sections of the ear behind the eardrum, or the "middle year" is affected by a bacterial or viral disease. The situation can be challenging and uncomfortable because of the fluid building up in the ear and inflammation. Acute ear infections cause…

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Digital Ear machines for the hearing impaired.

Scientific data confirms that more than 95% of deaf and hard of hearing kids have some residual hearing, which can be better with the use of quality hearing aids, rehabilitation programs, and proper assistance and training. These children can - over a while - begin…

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How does a Cochlear implant help?

A cochlear implant is a small, compact electronic device that can help to produce a sense of sound to people who are profoundly deaf or sharply hard-of-hearing. Hearing aids amplify sound and make them louder but, the function of the cochlear implant is to bypass…

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Top Indian Audiologist

The only Indian Audiologist to have received the Humanitarian Award by the American Academy of Audiology in 2012.  Devangi Dalal, the co-founder of Josh Foundation, has more than 29 years of expertise in the field of audiology and speech therapy. Devangi completed her Bachelor of…

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